Links & Associations
AGA - American Gas Association
The American Gas Association advocates the interests of its energy utility members and their customers, providing information and services promoting demand and supply growth, as well as operational excellence in the safe, reliable and cost-competitive delivery of natural gas.
AGMSC - Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
The AGMSC provides an excellent opportunity for everyone associated with the Gas Measurement Industry to learn from 88 class lecture periods and over 100 periods of Hands On classes. Whether you are new to the gas industry or have many years of experience, you will find a class that meets your needs.
ASGMT - American School of Gas Measurement Technology
ASGMT is the largest gas measurement school in the United States devoted to natural gas measurement, pressure regulation, flow control, and other measurement related arenas. The purpose of the School, the sponsoring associations, and the operating companies within the petroleum and natural gas industry, is to provide instruction on technical subjects for people in the industry.
IOGAWV - West Virginia Independent Oil and Gas Association
Formed in 1959, the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia, Inc. is a statewide non-profit trade association representing companies engaged in the extraction and production of natural gas and oil in West Virginia, and the companies and individuals which support extraction activities.
ISA - International Society of Automation
The International Society of Automation is a leading, global, nonprofit organization that is setting the standard for automation by helping over 30,000 worldwide members and other professionals solve difficult technical problems, while enhancing their leadership and personal career capabilities.
KGA - Kentucky Gas Association
The Kentucky Gas Association is the collaborative voice of the natural gas industry in the Commonwealth, and the Association will be your partner in promotion, your representative for governmental and public relations, and your resource for training.
KOGA - Kentucky Oil and Gas Association
The Kentucky Oil & Gas Association is dedicated to the responsible production and conservation of Kentucky's natural resources, while ensuring that its members are provided fair regulations, are educated on oil and gas issues, while protecting individual property rights, health, safety, and the environment.
MEA - Mid Energy Association
MEA serves the people that deliver electricity and natural gas to homes and business. MEA (Midwest ENERGY Association) was founded as a trade association over 100 years ago by distribution utilities, whose vision was to improve safety and efficiency. Today, utility companies around the globe benefit from MEA's industry learning seminars, operations summits, and other events. Members collaborated to develop EnergyU, the world's premier online training and testing system for gas and electric distribution utilities.
OOGA - Ohio Oil and Gas Association
The Ohio Oil and Gas Association is a statewide trade association with over 1,450 members who are actively involved in the exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas within the State of Ohio.
PIOGA - Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association
The Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association of Pennsylvania (PIOGA) is the principal non-profit trade association representing Pennsylvania's independent oil and natural gas producers, marketers, service companies and related businesses.
Rocky Mountain Measurement Society
Rocky Mountain Measurement Society's mission is to educate their membership on standards, regulation and common practices while communicating new ideas, technologies and emerging trends. The vision of the Society is to grow and educate membership and provide scholarship opportunities to future professionals. The Society shall be both non-profit and non-political in character, but may cooperate in civic enterprises.
SGA - Southern Gas Association
Southern Gas Association has been a cornerstone of the natural gas industry for more than 100 years. SGA works closely with its committees and interest groups to create and facilitate timely roundtables, conferences and seminars that address the business critical natural gas industry topics impacting our members.
SOOGA - Southeastern Ohio Oil and Gas Association
Southeastern Ohio Oil and Gas Association (SOOGA) is a non-profit organization comprised of local producers and businesses involved in the oil and gas industry.
Texas Energy Alliance
With more than 3,300 members, the Alliance is the largest state oil and gas trade association in the nation. The Alliance brings together members in 300 cities and 29 states for the common purpose of protecting the domestic oil and gas industry, focusing on Texas issues.
WGMSC - Western Gas Measurement
The Western Gas Measurement Short Course is a non-profit corporation 501-3(c) dedicated to the education of natural gas industry personnel in the areas of measurement, pressure & flow control. It is administered by its officers and board of directors. All are employees of Western United States and Canadian natural gas utilities and transportation companies.